Knights Cross won at Stalingrad   

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Here is list of Knights Cross won at Stalingrad. Maybe its not the full list. If you have some more information inform me please Many thanks to Geert Rottiers.


1) Stabsfeldwebel Wilhelm Wolf - is awarded with August 7 1942
Platoon commander 2nd company 103rd Panzer Battalion 3rd Motorized Division

2) Oberfeldwebel Erich Petermann - is awarded with August 17 1942
4th company, 64th Motorcycle Battalion, 14th Panzer Division

3) Major Hans Ritter von Schmidt - is awarded with August 24 1942
Commander 546th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division

4) Oberleutnant Gerhard Schonfeld - is awarded with August 25 1942
Commander 3rd company, 40th Pioneer battalion, 24th Panzer Division

5) Generaloberst Friedrich von Paulus - is awarded with August 26 1942
Commander 6th Army

6) Colonel Friedrich Freiherr von Broich - is awarded with August 29 1942
Commander 25th Infantry Brigade, 24th Panzer Division

7) Major Reinhard Fredebold - is awarded with August 30 1942
Commander 3rd Battalion, 191st Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division

8) Generalleutnant Ferdinand Heim - is awarded with August 30 1942
Commander 14th Panzer Division

9) Hauptmann Wilhelm von Hagen - is awarded with September 2 1942
Commander 2nd Battalion, 267th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division

10) Oberstleutnant Oskar Schrader - is awarded with September 8 1942
Commander 104th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division.

11) Generalmajor Heinrich-Anton Deboi - is awarded with September 10 1942
Commander 44th Infantry Division

12) Hauptmann Wilhelm Herb - is awarded with September 10 1942
Commander 1st Battalion, 571st Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division

13) Oberwachtmeister Karl Pfreudtner - is awarded with September 10 1942
Platoon commander, 2nd Battery, 244th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung

14) Hauptmann Ewald von Stunzner - is awarded with September 10 1942
Commander 3rd company, 103rd Panzer Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division

15) Oberleutnant Klaus Voormann - is awarded with September 10 1942
Commander 10th company, 3rd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division

16) Hauptmann Alfred Engfer - is awarded with September 13 1942
Commander 3rd Battalion, 523rd Infantry Regiment, 297th Infantry Division

17) Hauptmann Hellmut Pfeiffer - is awarded with September 19 1942
Commander 2nd Battalion, 671st Infantry Regiment, 371st Infantry Division

18) Hauptmann Ernst Werner - is awarded with September 19 1942
Commander 3rd Battalion, 516th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division

19) Major Richard Henze - is awarded with October 2 1942
Commander 2nd Battalion, 518th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division

20) Hauptmann Waldemar Lutz - is awarded with October 2 1942
Commander 3rd battery, 245th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung

21) Oberfeldwebel Helmut Lutze - is awarded with October 2 1942
Platoon commander 1st company, 64th Motorcycle Battalion, 14th Panzer Division

22) Hauptmann Reinhard Horning - is awarded with August 22 1943
Commander 1st Battalion, 546th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division

23) Oberleutnant Klaus Muller - is awarded with October 7 1942
Commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division.

24) Hauptmann Helmut Speckenheier - is awarded with October 7 1942
Commander 12th battery, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division.

25) Generalleutnant Alexander von Hartmann - is awarded with October 8 1942
Commander 71st Infantry Division.

26) Major Wilhelm Knetsch - is awarded with October 8 1942
Commander 545th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division.

27) Hauptmann Willy Helmut Riedel - is awarded with October 8 1942.
Commander 3rd Battalion 524th Infantry Regiment, 297th Infantry Division.

28) Generalleutnant Karl Rodenburg - is awarded with October 8 1942.
Commander 76th Infantry Division.

29) General der Pionier Erwin Jaenecke - is awarded with October 9 1942
Commander 389th Infantry Division

30) Wachtmeister Otto Gemunden - is awarded with October 12 1942
Commander 1st Battalion, 37th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division.

31) Feldwebel Albert Dressel - is awarded with October 13 1942
Platoon commander 3rd company, 160th Panzer Battalion, 60th Motorized Division.

32) Oberleutnant Helmut Schnatz - is awarded with October 17 1942
Commander 3rd Batterie, 1st Battalion, 25th Flak Regiment.

33) Obergefreiter Paul Becker - is awarded with October 25 1942
10th batterie, 4th Battalion, 3rd Artillery Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division.

34) Leutnant Hans Gutschow - is awarded with October 25 1942
Commander 2nd company, 1st Battalion, 545th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division.

35) Hauptmann Artur Rittner - is awarded with October 25 1942
Commander 3rd Battalion, 276th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division.

37) Oberfeldwebel Gustav Strauss - is awarded with October 25 1942
Commander 10th company, 3rd Battalion, 267th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division.

38) Oberst Karl Heinrich Hermann Barnbeck - is awarded with October 29 1942
Commander 211th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division.

39) Oberfeldwebel Hermann Fleischer - is awarded with October 29 1942
Platoon commander 2nd company, 1st Battalion, 571st Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division.

40) Major Dietrich von der Lancken - is awarded with October 29 1942
Commander 3rd Battalion, 24th Panzer Regiment, 254th Panzer Division.

41) Oberleutnant Heinrich Hollenweger- is awarded with November 1 1942
Commander 8th company, 2nd Battalion, 103rd Panzergrenadier Regiment, 14 Panzer Division.

42) Hauptmann Friedrich-August Graf von Bruhl - is awarded with November 3 1942
Commander 2nd Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division.

43)Hauptmann Erich Domaschk - is awarded with November 3 1942
Commander 2nd Battalion 103rd Panzergrenadier Regiment, 14th Panzer Division.

44) Oberst Willy Winzer - is awarded with November 3 1942
Commander 587th Infantry Regiment, 305th Infantry Division.

45)Oberfeldwebel Otto Heinze - is awarded with November 6 1942
Commander 1st platoon, 2nd Company, 3 Pioneer Battalion, 3 Motorized Division.

46) Oberst Erich Gottfried Abraham - is awarded with November 13 1942
Commander 230th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division.

47) Oberleutnant Wilhelm Durchdenwald - is awarded with November 13 1942
Commander 2nd Battalion, 544th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division.

48) Gefreiter Harry Mirau - is awarded with November 13 1942
Schutze 3rd company, 3rd Motorized Panzerjager Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division.

49)Oberstleutnant Vollrath von Hellermann - is awarded with November 21 1942
Commander 21st Panzergrenadier Regiment, 24th Panzer Division

50) Oberleutnant Walter Stracke - is awarded with November 21 1942
Commander 2nd company, 53rd Motorcycle Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division.

51) Feldwebel Friedrich Banach - is awarded with November 30 1942
Platoon commander 4th company, 1st Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14th Panzer Division.

52) Major Bernhard August Ferdinand Sauvant - is awarded with November 30 1942
Commander 1st Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14th Panzer Division.

53) Leutnant Siegfried Gerke - is awarded with December 2 1942
Commander 3rd company, 16th Pioneer Battalion, 16th Panzer Division.

54)Leutnant Karl-Friedrich Wittholz - is awarded with December 7 1942
Platoon commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14th Panzer Division.

55) Oberstleutnant Willy Langkeit - is awarded with December 9 1942
Commander 36th Panzer Regiment, 14 Panzer Division.

56)Oberleutnant Dieter Oster - is awarded with December 9 1942
Commander 2nd batterie, 1st Battalion, 8th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division.

57)Oberst Wilhelm Adam - is awarded with December 17 1942
Aide-de-camp of Headquarters 6th Army.

58) Oberst Richard Lepper - is awarded with December 17 1942
Commander of battle group Luftwaffe "Lepper".

59)Oberfeldwebel Heinz Paetow - is awarded with December 17 1942
Platoon commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 132nd Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division.

60) Major Eberhard Pohl - is awarded with December 17 1942
Commander 1st Battalion, 134th Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division.

61) Oberleutnant Gerhard Turke - is awarded with December 17 1942
Commander 1st company, 1st Battalion, 29th Motorized Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division.

62) Oberleutnant Wilhelm Wolff - is awarded with December 17 1942
Commander 10th company 3rd Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14 Panzer Division.

63)Oberstleutnant Hermann Begemann - is awarded with December 18 1942
Commander 132nd Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division.

64) High Lieutenant Ivan Manoilov - Is awarded with March 31 1943
Substitute squadron commander, 774th Fighting Airregiment

65) Generalleutnant Alexander Edler von Daniels - is awarded with December 18 1942
Commander 376th Infantry Division.

66)Oberfeldwebel Wilhelm Gunther - is awarded with December 18 1942
Platoon commander 8th company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division.

67) Hauptmann Rudolf Haen - is awarded with December 18 1942
Commander 1st company 103rd Panzer Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division.

68) Oberleutnant Adolf Baum - is awarded with December 21 1942
Battery commander 37th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division.

69) Obergefreiter Erich Luckmann - is awarded with December 21 1942
Commander Flak Gun 3rd Batterie, 1st Battalion, 241st Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division.

70) Major Vitus Sturber - is awarded with December 29 1942
Commander 3rd Battalion, 71st Motorized Regiment, 29th Motorized Division.

71) Hauptmann Armin Erdmann - is awarded with January 3 1942
Commander 2nd Battalion, 79th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 16th Panzer Division.

72) Leutnant Georg Kohler - is awarded with January 3 1943
Commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 26th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 24 Panzer Division.

73) Hauptmann Paul Markgraf - is awarded with January 3 1943
Commander 40th Panzerjager Abteilung, 24th Panzer Division.

74) Oberfeldwebel Ernst Neufeld - is awarded with January 3 1943
Platoon commander 2nd company, 4th Motorcycle Batallion, 24th Panzer Division.

75) Hauptmann Hermann Wilhelm Dormann - is awarded with January 4 1943
Commander 2nd Battalion, 79th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 16th Panzer Division.

76)Hauptmann Peter Sauerbruch - is awarded with January 4 1943
Commander Battle group 14th Panzer Division.

77) Obergefreiter Fritz Mette - is awarded with January 5 1943
Commander 9th company, 3rd Battalion, 92nd Motorized Regiment, 60th Motorized Division.

78) Lieutenant General Arthur Schmidt - is awarded with January 6 1943
Chief of headquarters 6th Army.

79) Generalmajor Wolfgang Pickert - is awarded with January 11 1943
Commander 9th Flak Division.

80) Wachtmeister Josef Galle - is awarded with January 15 1943
Platoon commander 3rd Batterie, 244 Sturmgeschutz Abteilung.

81) Feldwebel Johann Ksiag - is awarded with January 15 1943
Platoon commander 2nd Company, 176th Panzerjager Abteilung, 76th Infantry Division.

82)Generalleutnant George Pfeiffer - is awarded with January 15 1943
Commander 94th Infantry Division.

83) Obergefreiter Heinrich Schwarz - is awarded with January 15 1943
Artilleryman 10th Batterie, 4th Battalion, 3 rd Artillery Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division.

84) Leutnant Ludwig Hirschmann - is awarded with January 19 1943
Commander 2nd Batterie, 4th Battalion, 29th Artillery Regiment, 29th Motorized Division.

85) Obergefreiter Josef Roder - is awarded with January 19 1943
Schutzen 3rd company, 179th Panzerjager Abteilung, 79th Infantry Division.

86) Oberst Sigurd Horstmar Freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 29th Motorized Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division.

87) Major Wilhelm Braun - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 2nd Battalion, 576th Infantry Regiment, 305th Infantry Division.

88) Oberst Albert Oscar Brendel - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 247th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division.

89) Oberst Wilhelm Bock - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 176th Artillery Regiment, 76th Infantry Division.

90) Oberleutnant Rudolf Heger - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 4th Batterie, 2nd Battalion, 96th Artillery Regiment, 44th Infantry Division.

91) Hauptmann Christian Martin - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 521st Panzerjager Abteilung.

92) Oberleutnant Leonhard Nechansky - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 1st company, 1st Battalion, 131st Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division.

93)Oberleutnant Robert Nittler - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 3rd company, 1st Battalion, 212nd Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division.

94) Oberfeldwebel Heinz Pieper - is awarded with January 20 1943.
Platoon commander, 230th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division.

95) Major Hans von Rochow - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 176th Reconnaissance Battalion, 76th Infantry Division.

96) Oberstleutnant Friedrich Roske - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 194th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division.

97)Oberleutnant Friedrich Sacha - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 2nd company, 160th Panzerjager Abteilung, 60 Motorized Division.

98) Rittmeister Gerhard Thiel - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 3rd Battalion, 24th Panzer Regiment, 24 Panzer Division.

99) Oberstleutnant Richard Wolf - is awarded with January 20 1943
Commander 208th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division.

100) Major Hans Bohnenkamp - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 3rd Battalion, 295th Artillery Regiment, 295th Infantry Division.

101) Oberstleutnant Hans-Georg Brandt - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 577th Infantry Regiment, 305th Infantry Division.

102) Oberleutnant Franz Klitsch - is awarded with January 22 1943
Company commander, 129th Motorized Regiment, 60th Motorized Division.

103) Generalmajor Otto Korfes - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 295th Infantry Division.

104) Oberstleutnant Hans-Christoph Freiherr von Spangenberg - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 203rd Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division.

105)Oberstleutnant Luitpold Steidle - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 767th Infantry Regiment, 376th Infantry Division.

106)Oberstleutnant Karl Walther - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 131st Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division.

107)Major Friedrich Warnecke - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 3rd Battalion, 571st Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division.

108) Major Hild-Wilfried vonWinterfeld - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 1st Battalion, 24th Panzer Regiment, 24th Panzer Division.

109)Hauptmann Hans Zimmermann - is awarded with January 22 1943
Commander 8th company, 2nd Battalion, 26th Motorized Regiment, 24 Panzer Division.

110)Oberstleutnant Eduard Obergethmann - is awarded with January 24 1943
Commander 99th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division.

111) Oberst Wilhelm Wolff - is awarded with January 24 1943
Commander 37th Flak Regiment, 9 Flak Division.

112)Major Paul Josef Max Franziskus Gloger - is awarded with January 25 1943
Commander 244th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung.

113) Oberwachtmeister Eduard Muller-Reinders - is awarded with January 25 1943
Platoon commander 2nd Batterie, 244th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung.

114)Hauptmann Hans-Jochen Loser - is awarded with January 26 1943
Commander 3rd Battalion, 230th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division.

115) Oberstleutnant Richard Haizmann - is awarded with January 28 1943
Chief of headquarters 9th Flak Division.

116) Hauptmann Herbert Kreiner - is awarded with January 28 1943
Commander Battalion, 261st Infantry Regiment, 113rd Infantry Division.

117) Hauptmann Friedrich-Hans Plumer - is awarded with November 28 1943
Commander 1st Battalion, 268th Infantry Regiment, 113rd Infantry Division.

118)Oberstleutnant Hans Schurig - is awarded with January 28 1943
Commander 260th Infantry Regiment, 113rd Infantry Division.

119) Oberstleutnant Erich Woelfel - is awarded with January 28 1943
Commander 534th Infantry Regiment, 384th Infantry Division.

120) Oberstleutnant Richard Claassen - is awarded with January 29 1943
Commander 517th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division.

121) Major Richard Eichler - is awarded with January 29 1943
Commander 212nd Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division.

122) Hauptmann Kurt Schafer - is awarded with January 29 1943
Commander Battalion, 516th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division.

123)Major Fritz-Joachim Freiherr von Rotzmann - is awarded with January 31 1943
Commander 1st Battalion, 176th Artillery Regiment, 76th Infantry Division.


1) General der Panzertruppe Werner Kempf - is awarded with August 10 1942 (111) *
Commander XXXXVIII Panzerkorps

2) Generalmajor Bruno Ritter von Hauenschild - is awarded September 27 1942 (129)*
Commander 24th Panzer Division.

3) Oberstleutnant Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz - is awarded November 13 1942 (144)*
Commander 1st Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division..

4) General der Artillerie Walter Heitz - is awarded December 21 1942 (156)*
Commander VIII Armeekorps

5) Oberst Reichsfreiherr Maximilian von Edelsheim - is awarded with December 22 1942 (162)*
Commander 26th Panzergrenadier Regiment 24th Panzer Division.

6) Generalleutnant Helmuth Schlomer - is awarded with December 23 1942 (161) *
Commander 3rd Motorized Division

7) Oberleutnant Fritz Fessmann - is awarded with January 4 1943 (170) *
Commander 1st company, 64th motorcycle Batallions, 14th Panzer Division.

8) Generaloberst Friedrich von Paulus - is awarded with January 15 1943 (178)*
Commanding 6th Army

9) Major Karl Willig - is awarded with January 18 1943 (179) *
Commander 2nd Battalion, 120th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 60th Motorized Division

10) Hauptmann Willy Helmut Riedel - is awarded with January 25 1943 (186) *
Commander 2nd Battalion, 524th Infantry Regiment, 297th Infantry Division

11) Generalleutnant Karl Rodenburg - is awarded with January 31 1943 (189) *
Commander 76th Infantry Division.

* The number of awarded


Generalleutnant Hans Valentine Hube - Is awarded with December 21 1942 numbers swords 22
Commander XIV Panzerkorps

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