Here is list of Knights Cross won at Stalingrad. Maybe its not the full list. If you have some more information inform me please stalin@aaanet.ru.. Many thanks to Geert Rottiers.
AWARDED by KNIGHTS CROSS 1) Stabsfeldwebel Wilhelm Wolf - is awarded with August 7 1942 Platoon commander 2nd company 103rd Panzer Battalion 3rd Motorized Division |
2) Oberfeldwebel Erich Petermann - is awarded with August 17 1942 4th company, 64th Motorcycle Battalion, 14th Panzer Division |
3) Major Hans Ritter von Schmidt - is awarded with August 24 1942 Commander 546th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division |
4) Oberleutnant Gerhard Schonfeld - is awarded with August 25 1942 Commander 3rd company, 40th Pioneer battalion, 24th Panzer Division |
5) Generaloberst Friedrich von Paulus - is awarded with August 26 1942 Commander 6th Army |
6) Colonel Friedrich Freiherr von Broich - is awarded with August 29 1942 Commander 25th Infantry Brigade, 24th Panzer Division |
7) Major Reinhard Fredebold - is awarded with August 30 1942 Commander 3rd Battalion, 191st Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division |
8) Generalleutnant Ferdinand Heim - is awarded with August 30 1942 Commander 14th Panzer Division |
9) Hauptmann Wilhelm von Hagen - is awarded with September 2 1942 Commander 2nd Battalion, 267th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division |
10) Oberstleutnant Oskar Schrader - is awarded with September 8 1942 Commander 104th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division. |
11) Generalmajor Heinrich-Anton Deboi - is awarded with September 10 1942 Commander 44th Infantry Division |
12) Hauptmann Wilhelm Herb - is awarded with September 10 1942 Commander 1st Battalion, 571st Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division |
13) Oberwachtmeister Karl Pfreudtner - is awarded with September 10 1942 Platoon commander, 2nd Battery, 244th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung |
14) Hauptmann Ewald von Stunzner - is awarded with September 10 1942 Commander 3rd company, 103rd Panzer Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division |
15) Oberleutnant Klaus Voormann - is awarded with September 10 1942 Commander 10th company, 3rd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division |
16) Hauptmann Alfred Engfer - is awarded with September 13 1942 Commander 3rd Battalion, 523rd Infantry Regiment, 297th Infantry Division |
17) Hauptmann Hellmut Pfeiffer - is awarded with September 19 1942 Commander 2nd Battalion, 671st Infantry Regiment, 371st Infantry Division |
18) Hauptmann Ernst Werner - is awarded with September 19 1942 Commander 3rd Battalion, 516th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division |
19) Major Richard Henze - is awarded with October 2 1942 Commander 2nd Battalion, 518th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division |
20) Hauptmann Waldemar Lutz - is awarded with October 2 1942 Commander 3rd battery, 245th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung |
21) Oberfeldwebel Helmut Lutze - is awarded with October 2 1942 Platoon commander 1st company, 64th Motorcycle Battalion, 14th Panzer Division |
22) Hauptmann Reinhard Horning - is awarded with August 22 1943 Commander 1st Battalion, 546th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division |
23) Oberleutnant Klaus Muller - is awarded with October 7 1942 Commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division. |
24) Hauptmann Helmut Speckenheier - is awarded with October 7 1942 Commander 12th battery, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division. |
25) Generalleutnant Alexander von Hartmann - is awarded with October 8 1942 Commander 71st Infantry Division. |
26) Major Wilhelm Knetsch - is awarded with October 8 1942 Commander 545th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division. |
27) Hauptmann Willy Helmut Riedel - is awarded with October 8 1942. Commander 3rd Battalion 524th Infantry Regiment, 297th Infantry Division. |
28) Generalleutnant Karl Rodenburg - is awarded with October 8 1942. Commander 76th Infantry Division. |
29) General der Pionier Erwin Jaenecke - is awarded with October 9 1942 Commander 389th Infantry Division |
30) Wachtmeister Otto Gemunden - is awarded with October 12 1942 Commander 1st Battalion, 37th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division. |
31) Feldwebel Albert Dressel - is awarded with October 13 1942 Platoon commander 3rd company, 160th Panzer Battalion, 60th Motorized Division. |
32) Oberleutnant Helmut Schnatz - is awarded with October 17 1942 Commander 3rd Batterie, 1st Battalion, 25th Flak Regiment. |
33) Obergefreiter Paul Becker - is awarded with October 25 1942 10th batterie, 4th Battalion, 3rd Artillery Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division. |
34) Leutnant Hans Gutschow - is awarded with October 25 1942 Commander 2nd company, 1st Battalion, 545th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division. |
35) Hauptmann Artur Rittner - is awarded with October 25 1942 Commander 3rd Battalion, 276th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. |
37) Oberfeldwebel Gustav Strauss - is awarded with October 25 1942 Commander 10th company, 3rd Battalion, 267th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. |
38) Oberst Karl Heinrich Hermann Barnbeck - is awarded with October 29 1942 Commander 211th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division. |
39) Oberfeldwebel Hermann Fleischer - is awarded with October 29 1942 Platoon commander 2nd company, 1st Battalion, 571st Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division. |
40) Major Dietrich von der Lancken - is awarded with October 29 1942 Commander 3rd Battalion, 24th Panzer Regiment, 254th Panzer Division. |
41) Oberleutnant Heinrich Hollenweger- is awarded with November 1 1942 Commander 8th company, 2nd Battalion, 103rd Panzergrenadier Regiment, 14 Panzer Division. |
42) Hauptmann Friedrich-August Graf von Bruhl - is awarded with November 3 1942 Commander 2nd Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division. |
43)Hauptmann Erich Domaschk - is awarded with November 3 1942 Commander 2nd Battalion 103rd Panzergrenadier Regiment, 14th Panzer Division. |
44) Oberst Willy Winzer - is awarded with November 3 1942 Commander 587th Infantry Regiment, 305th Infantry Division. |
45)Oberfeldwebel Otto Heinze - is awarded with November 6 1942 Commander 1st platoon, 2nd Company, 3 Pioneer Battalion, 3 Motorized Division. |
46) Oberst Erich Gottfried Abraham - is awarded with November 13 1942 Commander 230th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. |
47) Oberleutnant Wilhelm Durchdenwald - is awarded with November 13 1942 Commander 2nd Battalion, 544th Infantry Regiment, 389th Infantry Division. |
48) Gefreiter Harry Mirau - is awarded with November 13 1942 Schutze 3rd company, 3rd Motorized Panzerjager Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division. |
49)Oberstleutnant Vollrath von Hellermann - is awarded with November 21 1942 Commander 21st Panzergrenadier Regiment, 24th Panzer Division |
50) Oberleutnant Walter Stracke - is awarded with November 21 1942 Commander 2nd company, 53rd Motorcycle Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division. |
51) Feldwebel Friedrich Banach - is awarded with November 30 1942 Platoon commander 4th company, 1st Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14th Panzer Division. |
52) Major Bernhard August Ferdinand Sauvant - is awarded with November 30 1942 Commander 1st Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14th Panzer Division. |
53) Leutnant Siegfried Gerke - is awarded with December 2 1942 Commander 3rd company, 16th Pioneer Battalion, 16th Panzer Division. |
54)Leutnant Karl-Friedrich Wittholz - is awarded with December 7 1942 Platoon commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14th Panzer Division. |
55) Oberstleutnant Willy Langkeit - is awarded with December 9 1942 Commander 36th Panzer Regiment, 14 Panzer Division. |
56)Oberleutnant Dieter Oster - is awarded with December 9 1942 Commander 2nd batterie, 1st Battalion, 8th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division. |
57)Oberst Wilhelm Adam - is awarded with December 17 1942 Aide-de-camp of Headquarters 6th Army. |
58) Oberst Richard Lepper - is awarded with December 17 1942 Commander of battle group Luftwaffe "Lepper". |
59)Oberfeldwebel Heinz Paetow - is awarded with December 17 1942 Platoon commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 132nd Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division. |
60) Major Eberhard Pohl - is awarded with December 17 1942 Commander 1st Battalion, 134th Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division. |
61) Oberleutnant Gerhard Turke - is awarded with December 17 1942 Commander 1st company, 1st Battalion, 29th Motorized Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division. |
62) Oberleutnant Wilhelm Wolff - is awarded with December 17 1942 Commander 10th company 3rd Battalion, 36th Panzer Regiment, 14 Panzer Division. |
63)Oberstleutnant Hermann Begemann - is awarded with December 18 1942 Commander 132nd Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division. |
64) High Lieutenant Ivan Manoilov - Is awarded with March 31 1943 Substitute squadron commander, 774th Fighting Airregiment |
65) Generalleutnant Alexander Edler von Daniels - is awarded with December 18 1942 Commander 376th Infantry Division. |
66)Oberfeldwebel Wilhelm Gunther - is awarded with December 18 1942 Platoon commander 8th company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division. |
67) Hauptmann Rudolf Haen - is awarded with December 18 1942 Commander 1st company 103rd Panzer Battalion, 3rd Motorized Division. |
68) Oberleutnant Adolf Baum - is awarded with December 21 1942 Battery commander 37th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division. |
69) Obergefreiter Erich Luckmann - is awarded with December 21 1942 Commander Flak Gun 3rd Batterie, 1st Battalion, 241st Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division. |
70) Major Vitus Sturber - is awarded with December 29 1942 Commander 3rd Battalion, 71st Motorized Regiment, 29th Motorized Division. |
71) Hauptmann Armin Erdmann - is awarded with January 3 1942 Commander 2nd Battalion, 79th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 16th Panzer Division. |
72) Leutnant Georg Kohler - is awarded with January 3 1943 Commander 6th company, 2nd Battalion, 26th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 24 Panzer Division. |
73) Hauptmann Paul Markgraf - is awarded with January 3 1943 Commander 40th Panzerjager Abteilung, 24th Panzer Division. |
74) Oberfeldwebel Ernst Neufeld - is awarded with January 3 1943 Platoon commander 2nd company, 4th Motorcycle Batallion, 24th Panzer Division. |
75) Hauptmann Hermann Wilhelm Dormann - is awarded with January 4 1943 Commander 2nd Battalion, 79th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 16th Panzer Division. |
76)Hauptmann Peter Sauerbruch - is awarded with January 4 1943 Commander Battle group 14th Panzer Division. |
77) Obergefreiter Fritz Mette - is awarded with January 5 1943 Commander 9th company, 3rd Battalion, 92nd Motorized Regiment, 60th Motorized Division. |
78) Lieutenant General Arthur Schmidt - is awarded with January 6 1943 Chief of headquarters 6th Army. |
79) Generalmajor Wolfgang Pickert - is awarded with January 11 1943 Commander 9th Flak Division. |
80) Wachtmeister Josef Galle - is awarded with January 15 1943 Platoon commander 3rd Batterie, 244 Sturmgeschutz Abteilung. |
81) Feldwebel Johann Ksiag - is awarded with January 15 1943 Platoon commander 2nd Company, 176th Panzerjager Abteilung, 76th Infantry Division. |
82)Generalleutnant George Pfeiffer - is awarded with January 15 1943 Commander 94th Infantry Division. |
83) Obergefreiter Heinrich Schwarz - is awarded with January 15 1943 Artilleryman 10th Batterie, 4th Battalion, 3 rd Artillery Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division. |
84) Leutnant Ludwig Hirschmann - is awarded with January 19 1943 Commander 2nd Batterie, 4th Battalion, 29th Artillery Regiment, 29th Motorized Division. |
85) Obergefreiter Josef Roder - is awarded with January 19 1943 Schutzen 3rd company, 179th Panzerjager Abteilung, 79th Infantry Division. |
86) Oberst Sigurd Horstmar Freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 29th Motorized Regiment, 3rd Motorized Division. |
87) Major Wilhelm Braun - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 2nd Battalion, 576th Infantry Regiment, 305th Infantry Division. |
88) Oberst Albert Oscar Brendel - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 247th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. |
89) Oberst Wilhelm Bock - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 176th Artillery Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. |
90) Oberleutnant Rudolf Heger - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 4th Batterie, 2nd Battalion, 96th Artillery Regiment, 44th Infantry Division. |
91) Hauptmann Christian Martin - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 521st Panzerjager Abteilung. |
92) Oberleutnant Leonhard Nechansky - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 1st company, 1st Battalion, 131st Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division. |
93)Oberleutnant Robert Nittler - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 3rd company, 1st Battalion, 212nd Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division. |
94) Oberfeldwebel Heinz Pieper - is awarded with January 20 1943. Platoon commander, 230th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. |
95) Major Hans von Rochow - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 176th Reconnaissance Battalion, 76th Infantry Division. |
96) Oberstleutnant Friedrich Roske - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 194th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division. |
97)Oberleutnant Friedrich Sacha - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 2nd company, 160th Panzerjager Abteilung, 60 Motorized Division. |
98) Rittmeister Gerhard Thiel - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 3rd Battalion, 24th Panzer Regiment, 24 Panzer Division. |
99) Oberstleutnant Richard Wolf - is awarded with January 20 1943 Commander 208th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. |
100) Major Hans Bohnenkamp - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 3rd Battalion, 295th Artillery Regiment, 295th Infantry Division. |
101) Oberstleutnant Hans-Georg Brandt - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 577th Infantry Regiment, 305th Infantry Division. |
102) Oberleutnant Franz Klitsch - is awarded with January 22 1943 Company commander, 129th Motorized Regiment, 60th Motorized Division. |
103) Generalmajor Otto Korfes - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 295th Infantry Division. |
104) Oberstleutnant Hans-Christoph Freiherr von Spangenberg - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 203rd Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. |
105)Oberstleutnant Luitpold Steidle - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 767th Infantry Regiment, 376th Infantry Division. |
106)Oberstleutnant Karl Walther - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 131st Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division. |
107)Major Friedrich Warnecke - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 3rd Battalion, 571st Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division. |
108) Major Hild-Wilfried vonWinterfeld - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 1st Battalion, 24th Panzer Regiment, 24th Panzer Division. |
109)Hauptmann Hans Zimmermann - is awarded with January 22 1943 Commander 8th company, 2nd Battalion, 26th Motorized Regiment, 24 Panzer Division. |
110)Oberstleutnant Eduard Obergethmann - is awarded with January 24 1943 Commander 99th Flak Regiment, 9th Flak Division. |
111) Oberst Wilhelm Wolff - is awarded with January 24 1943 Commander 37th Flak Regiment, 9 Flak Division. |
112)Major Paul Josef Max Franziskus Gloger - is awarded with January 25 1943 Commander 244th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung. |
113) Oberwachtmeister Eduard Muller-Reinders - is awarded with January 25 1943 Platoon commander 2nd Batterie, 244th Sturmgeschutz Abteilung. |
114)Hauptmann Hans-Jochen Loser - is awarded with January 26 1943 Commander 3rd Battalion, 230th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. |
115) Oberstleutnant Richard Haizmann - is awarded with January 28 1943 Chief of headquarters 9th Flak Division. |
116) Hauptmann Herbert Kreiner - is awarded with January 28 1943 Commander Battalion, 261st Infantry Regiment, 113rd Infantry Division. |
117) Hauptmann Friedrich-Hans Plumer - is awarded with November 28 1943 Commander 1st Battalion, 268th Infantry Regiment, 113rd Infantry Division. |
118)Oberstleutnant Hans Schurig - is awarded with January 28 1943 Commander 260th Infantry Regiment, 113rd Infantry Division. |
119) Oberstleutnant Erich Woelfel - is awarded with January 28 1943 Commander 534th Infantry Regiment, 384th Infantry Division. |
120) Oberstleutnant Richard Claassen - is awarded with January 29 1943 Commander 517th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division. |
121) Major Richard Eichler - is awarded with January 29 1943 Commander 212nd Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division. |
122) Hauptmann Kurt Schafer - is awarded with January 29 1943 Commander Battalion, 516th Infantry Regiment, 295th Infantry Division. |
123)Major Fritz-Joachim Freiherr von Rotzmann - is awarded with January 31 1943 Commander 1st Battalion, 176th Artillery Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. |
OAK LEAVES WON AT STALINGRAD 1) General der Panzertruppe Werner Kempf - is awarded with August 10 1942 (111) * Commander XXXXVIII Panzerkorps |
2) Generalmajor Bruno Ritter von Hauenschild - is awarded September 27 1942 (129)* Commander 24th Panzer Division. |
3) Oberstleutnant Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz - is awarded November 13 1942 (144)* Commander 1st Battalion, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division.. |
4) General der Artillerie Walter Heitz - is awarded December 21 1942 (156)* Commander VIII Armeekorps |
5) Oberst Reichsfreiherr Maximilian von Edelsheim - is awarded with December 22 1942 (162)* Commander 26th Panzergrenadier Regiment 24th Panzer Division. |
6) Generalleutnant Helmuth Schlomer - is awarded with December 23 1942 (161) * Commander 3rd Motorized Division |
7) Oberleutnant Fritz Fessmann - is awarded with January 4 1943 (170) * Commander 1st company, 64th motorcycle Batallions, 14th Panzer Division. |
8) Generaloberst Friedrich von Paulus - is awarded with January 15 1943 (178)* Commanding 6th Army |
9) Major Karl Willig - is awarded with January 18 1943 (179) * Commander 2nd Battalion, 120th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 60th Motorized Division |
10) Hauptmann Willy Helmut Riedel - is awarded with January 25 1943 (186) * Commander 2nd Battalion, 524th Infantry Regiment, 297th Infantry Division |
11) Generalleutnant Karl Rodenburg - is awarded with January 31 1943 (189) * Commander 76th Infantry Division. * The number of awarded |
SWORDS WON AT STALINGRAD Generalleutnant Hans Valentine Hube - Is awarded with December 21 1942 numbers swords 22 Commander XIV Panzerkorps |
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